Translating the Bible for Church Planting
How to Judge the Modern Bible Versions Movement by the principles of Scripture-
Dr. Steve Combs KJBRC National Conference May 2024 What is Behind the Acceptance of So Many New Translations
Dr. Steve Zeinner The Textus Receptus
Dr Steve Combs KJBRC Regional Conference 2023 Buckle up because this lecture by Dr Combs covers material from 1600 years of history at a breakneck speed! Is there any evidence for the received text in ancient times? Do the Egyptian Papyri prove the minority text is correct? The answer may surprise you! Click below to get the slides used with notes. Click Here
Bible Translation
God's Word for All Steve Zeinner Dr. Zeinner shares the great need for Bible translation work to give every nation the pure Word of God in the 7000 + languages of the world in a message preached at the King James Bible Research Council national conference.
Every Word For Every People
Steve Combs at Quentin Road Baptist Church Dr. Combs shares some of the amazing things God has been doing in the translation ministry in a message preached at Quinton Road Baptist Church in the Chicago area.