Bearing Precious Seed Global
Ewe-Togo Translation ConferenceHow God Led the Swahili Project |
Lesson 1 Inspiration and Preservation of the Scriptures See Notes HERE
In Lesson 2 at Grace Baptist Church, Middletown, Ohio, Dr. Steve Combs explains where we are with the modern Bible versions movement. The fact that new version cause confusion and tell lies means the entire movement is not from God.
See Notes Here |
In Lesson 3 at Grace Baptist Church, Middletown, Ohio, Dr. Steve Combs how the modern Bible versions movement happened. How did we get to this place of confusion where Bible translations lie to us? See Notes Here
This 2023 message by Dr. Steve Combs reveals the foundation of the entire modern Bible versions movement. Bitter fountains do not flow sweet water (James 3:11-12). See notes Here.
This video by Dr. Steve Combs at Grace Baptist Church Middletown, Ohio, in 2023, explains the Traditional Text and the Textus Receptus printed Greek New Testament. Then, he compared them to the United Bible Societies Greek Text and the Nestle-Aland Greek Text. See notes Here.
This message by Dr. Steve Combs was delivered at the KJBRC Regional conference in 2023. Is there any evidence for the received text in ancient times? Do the Egyptian Papyri prove the minority text is correct? The answer may surprise you! Click below to get the slides used with notes. Click Here
This message by Dr. Steve Zeinner was delivered at the KJBRC National Conference 2022. "Bless Dr. Zeinner for getting this message out, there is a great need in the world to spread God's correct word to every nation. And I really liked his idea for each church to take on a language together to get the translation done, may God continue to bless him."
Foreign Bible Translation-Where do we stand? This message was presented by Dr. Steve Zeinner in the KJBRC National conference in 2018.
This message by preached in the KJBRC National Conference by Dr. Steve Zeinner in 2019 explains why missionaries and US churches do not seem concerned about foreign Bible translating.